ELEMONT - 深層潔淨控油面膜 (控油、去角質、收毛孔、淡化暗瘡印) (e60g) E906



ELEMONT - 深層潔淨控油面膜 (控油、去角質、收毛孔、淡化暗瘡印) (e60g) E906 蘊含白陶土及葡糖酸鋅等成份,能有效去除阻塞毛孔的油脂及污垢,具抗炎舒緩作用,亦可舒緩因發炎引起之紅腫,幫助傷口癒合。另水楊酸 能輕柔地去除老化角質,收細毛孔,淡化暗瘡印及提亮肌膚,令肌膚更光滑,更細緻。適合任何皮膚,特別針對混合性﹑油性及毛孔粗大之皮膚。 ELEMONT - Skin Solution Purifying Mask (Acne, Exfoliant, Pore Minimizing, Blackhead Removing, Oil Controlling) (e60g) E906 Thanks to Kaolin and Salicylic acid, this purifying mask for all skin types, especially for combination skin, acne skin and oily skin. It is designed to clean pores, reduce acne and oiliness, allows a thorough cleaning by removing dead cells of the epidermis. Impurities and sebum excess are eliminated: the skin is purified and cleaned.

Product Details

深層潔淨控油面膜 (控油、去角質、收毛孔、淡化暗瘡印)

e60g                                 產品編號:E906






每星期使用1至2次。塗抹一層厚厚的面膜於徹底潔淨的面部;靜待30 分鐘後,再以溫水徹底洗淨。


Skin Solution Purifying Mask (Acne, Exfoliant, Pore Minimizing, Blackhead Removing, Oil Controlling)

e60g                                                                                       Product ID: E906


Thanks to Kaolin and Salicylic acid, this purifying mask for all skin types, especially for combination skin, acne skin and oily skin. It is designed to clean pores, reduce acne and oiliness, allows a thorough cleaning by removing dead cells of the epidermis. Impurities and sebum excess are eliminated: the skin is purified and cleaned.


Kaolin, Talc, Doixide Titan, Nicotinamide, Zinc Gluconate ,Salicylic Acid.


Apply a generous layer once or twice a week on perfectly cleansed skin of face. Let set for 15-20 minutes, sponge off residues and rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water.

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